News & Events

Visitors to KVK Amadalavalasa

Visit of Dr. A. Padma Raju garu, Vice Chancellor, ANGRAU        

Successful Technologies

Performance of different paddy varieties

There was highest inundation at maturity stage of crop growth due to rains received from 1st-5th November 2012 and over flown water from the canal. This situation was tolerated by PLA 1100 followed by RGL 2537.....

MSRI In Paddy

Mechanized System of Rice Intensification MSRI developed and Implimented Successfully in KVK.

Success Stories

Paired row planting of sugarcane

Sirusuwada (V), Kothuru (M) experiences with alternate flood and drought. Farmers needed crops which can with stand this situation. By keeping this in view, KVK introduced sugarcane in Mr Gudivada Rama Rao’s.....

Higher yields and returns with improved tomato (Laxmi)

Farmers of the village go for local tomato and obtain less yield and income. Under NICRA, KVK has introduced tomato variety Laxmi during rabi 2012-13 which is drought tolerant and high yielding. Improved tomato.....

Vanaraja Poultry

Keeping in view the environment of the operational area KVK, Amadalavalasa, has introduced and distributed a high yielding dual purpose well acclimatizable poultry chicks viz. Vanaraja.